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【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)















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Ugandan president hails China

Photo taken on Aug. 8, 2017 shows the construction site of Isimba Power Plant Project in Kayunga district, Uganda. As River Nile, the longest in the world, snakes through central Uganda, Chinese engineers and their local counterparts are constructing a multi-million U.S. dollar power plant on its bank in the remote Kayunga district. (Xinhua/Zhang Gaiping)

KAMPALA, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has hailed strong relations between his country and China, noting that many of the country's infrastructure projects have been constructed with funding from China.

The president made the remarks while attending a ceremony held by the Chinese community in Uganda to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The presdident applauded China's noninterference policy in domestic matters of sovereign countries.

"Chinese don't come here to tell us what to do. They come, you give your opinion and they give theirs. They will always take yours because they know it is your country," he said.

Zheng Zhuqiang, Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, hailed Uganda for its support to China on international issues.

"China deeply appreciates the firm support of Uganda on the issue of South China Sea, Tibet and Taiwan. At present, with the joint efforts of President Xi Jinping and President Museveni, our bilateral relationship has entered the best period in history," Zheng said.

Workers work at the construction site of Isimba Power Plant Project in Kayunga district, Uganda, Aug. 8, 2017. (Xinhua/Zhang Gaiping)

China was one of the first countries in the world to recognize Uganda's independence from British rule in 1962.

China is now the largest source of foreign investment to Uganda and the total Chinese investment exceeded 4.25 billion U.S. dollars by end of 2016, according to Chinese embassy figures.

Among the key investments are in infrastructure and mining sector. China is funding the construction of the 1.68 billion dollar Karuma Hydropower Plant, the 568 million dollar Isimba Hydropower Plant, and the 470 million dollar Entebbe-Kampala Expressway, among others.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation has invested about 2 billion dollars in developing Uganda's oil fields.

Photo taken on Aug. 8, 2017 shows the construction site of Isimba Power Plant Project in Kayunga district, Uganda. As River Nile, the longest in the world, snakes through central Uganda, Chinese engineers and their local counterparts are constructing a multi-million U.S. dollar power plant on its bank in the remote Kayunga district. (Xinhua/Zhang Gaiping)

KAMPALA, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has hailed strong relations between his country and China, noting that many of the country's infrastructure projects have been constructed with funding from China.

The president made the remarks while attending a ceremony held by the Chinese community in Uganda to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The presdident applauded China's no平價保養品推薦2017ninterference policy in domestic matters of sovereign countries.

"Chinese don't come here to tell us what to do. They come, you give your opinion and they give theirs. They will always take yours because they know it is your country," he said.

Zheng Zhuqiang, Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, hailed Uganda for its support to China on international issues.

"China deeply appreciates the firm support of Uganda on the issue of South China Sea, Tibet and Taiwan. At present, with the joint efforts of President Xi Jinping and President Museveni, our bilateral relationship has entered the best period in history," Zheng said.

Workers work at the construction site of Isimba Power Plant Project in Kayunga district, Uganda, Aug. 8, 2017. (Xinhua/Zhang Gaiping)

China was one of the first countries in the world to recognize Uganda's independence from British韓國平價保養品 rule in 1962.

China is now the largest source of foreign investment to Uganda and the total Chinese investment exceeded 4.25 billion U.S. dollars by end of 2016, according to Chinese embassy figures.

Among the key investments are in infrastructure and mining sector. China is funding the construction of the 1.68 billion dollar Karuma Hydropower Plant, the 568 million dollar Isimba Hydropower Plant, and the 470 million dollar Entebbe-Kampala Expressway, among others.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation has invested about 2 billion dollars in developing Uganda's oil fields.

【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)臉部乳液推薦 【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)平價保養品2017【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)推薦平價保養品#GOODS_NAME#屈臣氏開架保養品【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)怎麼保養【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)保養品使用方法#GOODS_NAME#基本保養技巧【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)基本化妝技巧【台鹽TAIYEN】 膠原美研 -抗痘+控油+勁涼洗面乳 超值組合3入組 (110g)韓國化妝技巧 您或許有興趣的東西:

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